World Baby Names Blog

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Ireland Baby Names 2018

Posted 11 March 2019

The Central Statistics Office  has released baby names data for 2018 for Ireland. Data is available for names with a count of three or more.

The way the Central Statistics Office publishes baby names data has changed in 2018. Names with accents and other diacritics are now recorded as separate names, unlike in 2017 and earlier. This means it may not be able to compare data from 2018 with previous years. For example, before 2018 Sean (including Seán and Séan ) has always been in the top five most popular names for boys. In 2018 Sean , Seán and Séan are treated as separate names, which means Sean has now dropped to 74th place.

Female Names

Emily has been the most popular girls' name since 2011 in Ireland and tops the chart again in 2018. Grace moves up on place to second, replacing Emma who drops to third. Sophie moves up one place to fourth, and Amelia drops to fifth. Ella climbs up to sixth, and Ellie and Mia are in joint seventh place. Ava stays in ninth place, and Fiadh is a new entry in the top ten in tenth. Hannah, Lucy and Chloe drop out of the top ten.

Male Names

Jack tops the chart of boys’ names again in 2018. Jack has been the first or second most popular boys’ name every year since 2000. James remains in second place. Noah climbs three places to third, replacing Daniel who drops two places to fifth. Conor stays in fourth. Harry is in sixth and Luke is seventh. Michael climbs to eighth, Adam is ninth and Charlie is tenth.

Visit the name popularity tables page to view the tables in full, and to view tables for other years.

Data UpdatesIrelandAdam, Amelia, Ava, Charlie, Chloe, Conor, Daniel, Ella, Ellie, Emily, Emma, Fiadh, Grace, Hannah, Harry, Jack, James, Lucy, Luke, Mia, Michael, Noah, Sean, Seán, Séan, Sophie

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